Why Peetz
OUR STORY – The Peetz family started engineering and customizing windows in 1928. Since the 1990s we are a boutique window and door company specializing in Miami Dade County Hurricane Impact certification.
OUR SPECIALISATION – Meeting both award winning architecture and the most stringent Hurricane Building Codes in the world.
OUR TRACK RECORD – Large scale high-end Estate Homes from concept to completion in the hurricane specific market. Many of these projects had been honored with the most prestigious architectural awards:
Architizer A+Awards, The Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach - Elisabeth L. and John H. Schuler Award, Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP), GCBA PRISM Awards, AURORA Awards, The Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach - Ballinger Awards, AIA Palm Beach Excellence Award, AIA Miami Design Award, Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture Award, AIA New England Merit Award, AIA Connecticut Honor Award, AIA New York State Award of Excellence, Best New Venue of the Year, World’s Best Property, Best International Residential Property, Best Residential Property USA.
We feel fortunate to contribute with our engineering and craftsmanship an essential part of the overall design of all our projects.
OUR DIRECT “SALES TO SERVICE“ APPROACH – We are direct. No layers, no middle man constellation. We engineer, manufacture, install and service our products from ground up and without third parties, which is why you benefit from direct access to our experts in all phases of your job.
OUR UNIQUE DESIGN FEATURES – Our products excel because they incorporate and combine unique signature strengths regarding engineering, longterm performance, aesthetics and operating comfort.

PEETZ Commitment
We focus on meeting your requirements, delivering exactly what you want, with precision and dependability, down to the unseen elements.
We are working hard on our future continually innovating and developing ever-improving solutions.
We support green design. Our products can assist with LEED credits and certification. FSC-certified wood species and energy efficient rated glass are available. We are using water-based finishing which, unlike solvent based finshes, produces far less harmful VOC’s. Our products can be used to maximize interior daylight. Operable units can be incorporated as part of a ventilation strategy, involving the indoor air quality for healthy living environments.
At the PEETZ factory we have installed a significant solar power plant, providing up to 50% of our electrical power needs, displacing fossil fuel consumption.